Delivering on the Promise of ESG With Performance Metrics

At Molpus, we use key performance indicators (KPIs) as metrics to enable us to measure and quantify our progress on ESG. KPIs are divided into three ESG categories: environmental, social, and governance.

Environmental KPIs

Number of Trees Planted

  • Cumulatively, Molpus has planted more than 271,586,518 trees since 1998.
  • We planted approximately 7.2 million trees in 2022 and 13 million trees in 2023.

Acres Under Management

  • Almost 1.8 million acres are currently under management; however, this number changes almost daily with GIS line editing, land sales, and acquisitions.

Certified Acres

99.96% of the total acres under management were certified (as of October 1, 2021). Molpus intends to certify management for all timberland properties under the SFI Program (excluding only non-forest types such as mines, admin sites, agriculture leases). We have approximately 376,000 acres carrying a dual certification with both SFI and FSC.

The Molpus Woodlands Group, LLC SFI Certificate BV-SFIS-US004070-4

Acres Under Conservation Easements

  • 384,000 conservation acres
  • 776,000 acres of publicly accessible forests

Number of Carbon Mitigation Projects and Tons Registered or Sold

  • More than 1,000,000 acres of completed projects
  • More than 7.4 million metric tons of offsets sold

Recent and Ongoing “Species of Concern” Projects


  • 2019 – Carbon Project Developer of the Year Award from California Climate Action Reserve
  • 2016 – Sag Award from ESRI (for innovative certification monitoring systems)
  • 2012 – SFI Conservation Award (for elk restoration in Kentucky)

Contact Molpus Woodlands Group

For more information about Molpus Woodlands Group and our commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), please contact us.