Environmental, Social, and Governance Community Investment Investing in and Supporting Communities Molpus Woodlands Group (Molpus) has always used local sources and supported small businesses in our supply chain. Molpus has a long-standing buy-local procurement preference, using local vendors and service providers whenever possible. The majority of our procurement activities happen at the local level. Local firms with small numbers of employees benefit from our procurement practices. In addition to the positive impact of our procurement policies, the timberlands we own and manage provide benefits to local economies as a source of raw materials for area sawmills and pulp and paper manufacturing facilities. Local communities also enjoy recreational opportunities on these timberlands. Molpus uses local vendors and service providers whenever possible. Helping Molpus Employees Support their Local Communities Molpus employees live locally and are aware of the surrounding community’s needs and goals. Employees are encouraged to be actively involved in their community by participating in community events, associations, and boards, in addition to school outreach and various public education opportunities. Molpus employees are encouraged to take advantage of two days of paid annual leave to engage in volunteer activities. Molpus also formally supports the American Cancer Society with corporate giving. Contact Molpus Woodlands Group For more information about Molpus Woodlands Group and our commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), please contact us. In This Section Molpus ESG Policies Annual ESG Policy Publications Environmental Performance Metrics Social Performance Metrics Governance Performance Metrics Forest Certification Responsible Investment Policy Community Investment Heritage Stewardship Supporting Education