Boise, Idaho–More than 3,700 acres of private forestland in Boundary County will remain working lands in perpetuity while securing new recreation opportunities thanks to the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) Forest Legacy Program, the Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) and the USDA Forest Service.

Utilizing the Forest Legacy Program, the Moyie River Corridor project added six conservation easements along Dawson Ridge comprised of multiple tracts of land, all privately owned and managed by either Molpus Woodlands Group (Molpus) or Manulife Investment Management

Private forestland participation in the Forest Legacy Program is key to protecting lands from being subdivided and developed, preventing sprawl into the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) while ensuring a steady, reliable sawlog and fiber supply for industry and future mill infrastructure investments. It also provides wildlife unobstructed migration pathways.

The program is a voluntary initiative that enables landowners to safeguard and retain their forestland for perpetual timber production by providing financial incentives to sell their development rights while retaining ownership of the land. Timberland owners continue paying property taxes and harvesting timber, which adds certainty to local timber markets as well.

In addition to economic and community benefits, the easements of the Moyie River Corridor project will safeguard the natural beauty and health of the ecosystem, and the state secures permanent, non-motorized public access for recreation.

“The Moyie River Corridor project is truly a win-win for the landowners and the people of Idaho,” said Jennifer Barker, IDL Forest Legacy Program Manager. “The land remains undeveloped with a beautiful viewshed allowing people to hike, hunt, forage, and recreate, while the landowner works the land and helps secure a future for the local timber industry, increasing the likelihood that our local mills will remain open and supplied with wood.”

“These conservation easements are a good example of a public-private partnership bringing benefit to the region by ensuring these lands continue to contribute to the broader economy while also securing public recreational access in perpetuity,” said Tom Sarno, Global Head of Timberland Investments at Manulife.

“At Molpus, we are committed to sustainable forestry and responsible stewardship. By participating in the Forest Legacy Program, we’re protecting both the environmental and economic value of these forests for future generations,” said Chad McElvany, Deputy Chief Operating Officer for Molpus. “This project demonstrates our ability to balance land stewardship, wildlife protection, and timber production, all while benefiting local communities and the environment.”

We appreciate the efforts of the Idaho Department of Lands, The Nature Conservancy, and the USDA Forest Service in making the Moyie River Corridor Project a success,” added McElvany.

The Forest Legacy process can take several years to complete and each project is supported by a land trust that works in partnership with the state. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) facilitated this project from application to closing.

“We are grateful to all the partners who worked together to ensure that wildlife can continue to move freely, to keep working forests healthy with abundant fresh water, and to build a conservation legacy across this essential landscape,” said Tess O’Sullivan, TNC land protection project manager.

IDL Forest Legacy easements are funded by congressional authorizations and offshore drilling royalties. Projects must be clearly defined and submitted for funding, competing against projects across the country. The landowners also must contribute to the process with a 25% match, typically via tax-deductible donations.

The USDA Forest Service administers the Forest Legacy Program nationally and partners with IDL to deliver the program in Idaho.

“In addition to securing public access, this project protects intact working forestland in a critical landscape that provides wildlife benefits for ESA-listed species and strategically contributes to landscape-scale conservation efforts underway on adjacent Idaho Panhandle National Forest Lands,” said Patrick Bridegam, Forest Legacy Program Leader for Region One of the USFS.

During the long process of securing a conservation easement, the value of the land in the easement can go up significantly, creating a financial gap between the grant and the appraised value. IDFG helped fill about $300,000 of that gap by using a contribution of sportsmen dollars to push the project over the finish line.

“The project checked a lot of boxes for us in that it conserves important wildlife habitat, while retaining public access and keeping working lands working,” said Sal Palazzolo, IDFG State Wildlife Habitat Program Manager. “In past years, these lands had been part of our large tracts access program and IDFG was paying the landowners an annual fee to retain public access, now the access is guaranteed.”

“Our clients appreciated the opportunity to participate in this initiative which is expected to bring multiple benefits to a broad population. We are excited to continue to assist in stewardship of these lands and supply forest products to the local economy” added Sarno.

IDL is committed to the long-term success of the Forest Legacy Program. As part of this commitment, IDL monitors the Forest Legacy lands in perpetuity to ensure the terms of the easements are met. With the success of the Moyie River Corridor project, IDL is optimistic about continuing to grow the program in ways that make sense for Idaho.

About Molpus Woodlands Group, LLC

The Molpus Woodlands Group, LLC (Molpus), an SEC registered investment adviser, acquires, manages, and sells timberland as an investment vehicle for pension funds, college endowments, foundations, insurance companies, and high-net-worth individual investors. Molpus currently manages over 1.7 million acres of timberland investments in 15 states. We incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies and practices into investment analysis and decision-making. We believe our strong ESG initiatives have positive implications for the environment and the future of Molpus. Molpus was founded in 1996 as a timber investment management organization and has a company legacy dating back to 1905. Molpus is one of the oldest timber-related companies in the United States.

For more information, visit Nothing herein constitutes an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or buy any security with respect to any fund. In considering the performance of investments referred to in these materials, prospective timberland investors should keep in mind that prior performance of Molpus investments is not indicative of future results, and there can be no assurance that Molpus will achieve comparable results in the future.

Press Contact
Michael R. Cooper
Executive Vice President – Client Relations and Business Development
Molpus Woodlands Group
(601) 948-8733